
Owner finds jet black colored pet dog for 20 seconds just to realize he was sleeping in black bed

A dog recently revealed on social media how she thought she had lost her pet dog, who in reality was just hiding pretty well in its black bed. Jessica Blankenship, who is from San Francisco, USA, shared a picture of her adorable looking 3-month-old pet on social media. You can see the dog lying on […]


Snow leopard who gave birth to 7 healthy cubs dies after losing battle with cancer

A snow leopard who gave birth to 7 healthy and adorable cubs died away after losing their battle with cancer. The snow leopard was just 17 years old. The snow leopard gain national attention after giving birth to the 7 cubs. On Friday, a New Jersey Zoo, confirmed the zoo. Himani, the snow leopard, reared […]


Brave cat sacrifices himself after tackling deadly snake to save owners’ young kids

A brave cat sacrificed himself after successfully tackling a deadly snake so they could save the kids of his owner. Arthur, a cat, leapt to the defence of 2 young children while they were playing in their back garden. The cat decided to take on a killer eastern brown snake that slithered near the kids […]


Australian fisherman eaten alive by 2 crocodiles as rescuers find his remains inside beasts

A fisherman from Queensland, Australia, was eaten alive by 2 crocodiles. Official reports suggest that his remains were found inside the 2 beasts, which confirmed the unfortunate happening. The incident happened in Hinchinbrook Island, which is located off the Australian state of Queensland. 69-year-old fisherman Andy Heard, who is from the city of Cairns, was […]


Starving elephant found in state doctors call “days away from death” at closed tourist park in Thailand

An elephant that was slowly starving to death was found in a bloody state by locals at a closed tourist park in Thailand. The elephant had bloody sores and was in an emaciated state. Jumbo elephant Khun Pan was forced to give rides to tourists before the pandemic hit the country and the park was […]


8-day-old baby girl stolen and killed by pack of monkeys in India

An 8-day -old baby girl was stolen and killed by a pack of monkeys in India. According to reports, the baby was snatched from her bed by a group of monkeys, who then threw her in a moat. The mother was devastated when she could not her twin girls from the bed. Locals spotted the […]


Stray dog and Leopard spend 7 hours together inside bathroom after getting trapped

A stray dog and a leopard got into a truce and ended up spending 7 hours together after the 2 got trapped inside a bathroom. A stray dog that was locally known as Bollu was chased down by a leopard in Karnataka, India, when the poor one decided to run inside the house and hide […]


16-year-old shelter dog smiles the entire drive home after being adopted by kind woman

A 16-year-old shelter dog was found smiling the entire drive when they were being brought home after being adopted. Kathryn LaRoche, was living alone during this pandemic and she was having a hard time. To make things worse, her 20-year-old cat passed away, so she decided to open her home to another older animal. During […]


Massive bears charge at crowd after being released back into the wild from cages

A group of people ended up running for their lives after massive bears charged at them after they were being released back into the wild from cages. According to reports, 6 Syrian brown bears were being released back into the wild when the incident happened. The animals had been taken in blue steel cages to […]


Massive crocodile eats stranded shark in Australia

A massive crocodile was caught on camera eating a shark that was stranded on a beach in Australia and everything about the video is scary. The video that we are talking about was captured by Yvonne Palmer, who was fishing from the beach on Far North Queensland’s Cassowary Coast. The woman reeled in a couple […]