Good News

Former FBI Boss Retires After 23 Years To Start New Job As School Bus Driver

Do what you love, and money will follow.

A former FBI boss who was fourth in command as executive assistant director has retired after 23 years at the investigative division in order to start a new job as a school bus driver.

Michael Mason did not pursue the normal retirement hobbies, which includes gardening, golfing, fishing and travelling, instead, he decided to start a new job, which is to drive a school bus.

During an interview with CBS 6 News, he said:

I’ve done some important things, but guess what? This is important, too. About half of the FBI fell under me. And I was, just for context, I was fourth on the FBI’s food chain.

He t old the news channel that he was watching CBS 6 when he heard that the Chesterfield County were hiring school bus drivers.

He added:

When the pandemic struck there were so many people that were doing so many extra things. People like you who still have to get out here. People like grocery store workers. People like telecommunications workers.  All kinds of folks who still had to do their job. And I felt like I can be doing something to help in this post-pandemic recovery.

Impressed with the commitment of Mason, the Chesterfield County Public Schools decided to cover the story of the former FBI boss to attract more bus drivers for the job.

They posted a promotional video on YouTube later on.

The starting pay for school bus drivers in the county is $20.21, said the description of the video that was uploaded.

During an interview with CBS 6, Mason said that he just wants to inspire other people to work hard in times like these.

He added:

Doing whatever they can do. I believe if all of us gave a little something. Wow, how we could impact the world. How we could change the world. I’m probably one of the few bus drivers who has Turtle Wax in his kit back there. Because my hood was so oxidized and I said, oh no. I can’t do that. So, I am what I am.

Such an inspiring story, right?

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