A poor pitbull was rescued from a dumpster after it was thrown out like trash by kind people and the entire story is heartbreaking.
In Warren, Ohio, a dog was thrown out inside a dumpster like thrash and the dog was shaking, hurt, and just blank when they were discovered by locals.

Jason Onatz, an animal control officer, released a statement about the incident, where they were furious about how the dog was treated.
Jason said:
All they had to do was pick up the phone, call me, call the Trumbull County Dog Pound, call the Welfare League, someone would have been more than happy to take the dog away from them.
The officials are currently trying to track down whoever did it and charge them properly.

The dog was underweight when they were found and the vets found out that the hind legs of the dog were not working properly.
The dog also had fresh and old cuts on its body.
The dog was rushed to the vets after it was found and had a medical check-up.

The dog had wounds on their limbs, neck, and back area, all of the wounds were infected, said a report published by Bored Panda.
The Animal Welfare League of Trumbull is currently asking locals to step up and tell them who carried out such incident.

They are also asking people to donate for the dog’s medicine and so it could be cared properly.
Let’s all hope that the dog will recover properly and will find a home, where they will be loved in their new forever home.