
Poor Dog Traps Itself In Wall While Trying To Hide From Firework Explosions

We humans really need to control ourselves.

Dogs and other animals get really scared when they hear loud sounds, especially the ones that are emitted by loud explosions during firework shows.

One example to prove that is a video that was caught in China recently.

A poor pooch managed to trap itself in a wall while they were trying to hide from firework explosions that were taking place outside their house.

Watch the video below:

The dog was reunited with its owner after the rescue, but the police still do not know how it got trapped in the middle of the wall.

I mean, it’s the middle of the wall, even I can’t get there.

It is believed that the incident happened on February 13, 2021 in Xiangshui County, China.

The police were called after neighbours heard the puppy from behind the wall.

Despite the horrible happening, nothing bad happened to the dog.

The police used a hammer to create a hole so the dog could be pulled out.

Dogs and other animals should be placed in a room away from loud noises because of their increased capabilities of hearing.

A small sound is loud for them and a huge bang can make them really nervous, considering they do not know what fireworks are and how they work.

Also, avoid allowing them to roam around freely, they might run away out of fear of the fireworks.

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