Good News

103-year-old woman vows to go wild after getting coronavirus vaccine

Enjoy your life to the fullest, considering we do not know what tomorrow holds for us and where life is going to bring us.

A 103-year-old woman from Wilmington has vowed to go wild after she received a shot of the working coronavirus vaccine.

Watch the video below:

Mona Jeanne, the old woman, lived through the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic and 2 world wars.

The woman got the vaccine just in time for her 104th birthday.

When she was asked how she will be spending her birthday party, the woman said that she will be spending it with her family.

She has 27 great grandchildren and 5 great-great grandchildren.

She is from Wilmington, Massachusetts.

After receiving the vaccine, Mona told news agencies that she felt the same and there was nothing different.

She also said that she is used to get jabs.

I mean, she’s 100 and if she says its safe, I’m pretty sure it is going to be safe.

Such an amazing woman, she’s so positive!

What are your thoughts on this 103-year-old woman getting the vaccine? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

By Pei Yong

All the web stuff.

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