Good News

11-year-old girl honoured with heroism award after saving 5-year-old brother from house fire

An 11-year-girl from the USA was recently honoured with a heroism award after she managed to save her 5-year-old brother from a house fire when their baby sister was not home.

She also alerted authorities about the blaze.

Tyshayla Wilson, the 11-year-old girl, was inside her house in North Carolina, USA, with her 5-year-old brother when she realised that their kitchen was in fire.

The authorities believed that some oil in the kitchen caught fire in the oven. 

Thanks to classes that the girl had received at their school, she stepped up and took the entire thing on herself.

Their babysitter had stepped out to get dinner for them.

Wilson took charge and called 911. 

John Schuler, a dispatcher, answered her call and helped the little one stay calm.

They advised her on how to help firefighters open the window, where and and her brother escaped. 

On May 26, 2021, Mike Causey, an Insurance Commissioner, presented Tyshayla with her heroism award. 

Talking about the incident, Tyshayla said: 

When I was a little girl, I always used to pretend I was a princess. But now that I’m older, I feel like I’m kind of a knight.

Schuler, the dispatcher that helped out the kid, was also awarded at the ceremony.

Tyshayla asked Schuler to be the one to present the award because he was the one that guided them to safety. 

The 11-year-old said that Schuler is one of the most important people in her life because they helped her save herself and her brother. 

When firefighters arrived at the scene, the 11-year-old told them that they should take her 5-year-old brother first because he was more scared.

We definitely need more kids like her, she’s extremely responsible and knows to put other people first.

What are your thoughts on the heroic acts of the 11-year-old girl? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below! 

By Pei Yong

All the web stuff.

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