
Woman Jumps Into Lion Enclosure And Dances While Throwing Money Towards Beast

A woman in New York, USA, jumped into a lion enclosure and started to throw money towards a lion while dancing.

The incident that we are talking about happened on Thursday this week at the Bronx Zoo in New York.

A video of the incident that is viral on social media right now shows the woman in a red dress carrying some roses.

She then started to dance with a lion looking at her just a couple of meters away.

In the clip that was recorded by the husband of the woman, she can be heard talking to the lion.

She also said that she missed the lion so much.

Her husband said that she told the lion “King, I love you, I came back for you”, when she was in the enclosure.

In a statement that was released by the zoo, they explained that she was not actually in too much danger.

The spokesperson of the zoo said:

Video shows she crossed a barrier into a planted area near the exhibit. The woman was not in the exhibit as has been falsely reported and she was never in the same space as the lions. This situation involves one individual who is determined to harass our lions with no regard for her safety, or the safety of our staff and our guests, and no regard for the well-being of the lions. We have an NYPD substation in the park and are working closely with them to resolve this situation with this individual. The Bronx Zoo has a zero-tolerance policy in matters such as this and will aggressively seek prosecution against this individual and anyone who violates park safety rules.

That’s a pretty dangerous and kind of stupid thing to do in front of a lion.

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