
Bomb Squad Investigate Suspicious Bag Just To Discover There Were 6 Newborn Kittens Inside

A bomb squad investigation turned out to be a rescue mission of some adorable kittens that were abandoned.

The bombs quad in New Miami, USA, were called at a church to investigate a suspicious bag just to find out that it was not dangerous at all.

There were newborn kittens and their mother inside.

The officers said that they did not hear ticking inside, but it was purring.

Emergency services were called after the package was spotted at a church in New Miami, Ohio, USA.

It was on Friday, February 19, 2021.

After opening the bag, they discovered the kittens and a note that said their mother, Sprinkles, had gone into labour the day before.

The animals were taken to a shelter.

They were then placed in a foster family so they could be taken cared off properly.

A statement was released by the Butler County Sheriff’s Office on Facebook.

The statement said:

The Butler County Bomb Unit was called to a suspicious package at a Church in New Miami. When Specialist Mike Grimes and Det. Detherage arrived, they didn’t hear ticking they heard purring!! There was a momma cat and her six one-day-old babies in a bag. There was a note left stating “Sprinkles” went into labour yesterday 2/17. Momma and babies are warm, cozy and fed at the Animal Friends Shelter!

The Animal Friends Shelter released a statement about the incident, saying:

When a duffel bag was found abandoned outside a church door, the Butler County Bomb Unit was called in to investigate. Inside, they found a new mom doing her best to keep her six newborn kittens warm and fed. The note inside the bag said the mom’s name was Sprinkles, and she began giving birth at 2pm on Wednesday. Sprinkles and her newborns were immediately brought to Animal Friends for care late Thursday afternoon. They were all soaked in mom’s urine and needed gentle baths when they arrived. Sprinkles, purring throughout it all, received her vaccines and blood test and appears to be in good health. She’s doing a fantastic job nursing and caring for her babies, and all seven will be placed with their foster family this afternoon.

They will be monitoring Sprinkles and her kittens for the next 2 months.

Authorities do not know who left the animals outside the church.

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