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Furniture shop places cozy mattress outside shop to make sure stray dogs can sleep comfortably

Istanbul: A furniture shop is doing something all of us should be doing to help stray dogs get through tough times.

The shop placed a cozy mattress outside their shop to make sure that stray dogs can sleep comfortably during their time.

The amazing story was shared by Dr. Cem Baykal, who has been passing by a furniture store, where a pair of stray dogs hang out a lot.

The 2 puppies are the best of friends and they are commonly seen together.

Istikbal Mobile, is a local shop and they sell home items such as beds, sofas, curtains, and mattresses.

The owner reportedly has a soft spot for the strays that live in the area and they decided to do something to make their life a little bit better.

During an interview with The Dodo, Dr. Baykal said:

The owner of this shop puts one of the beds (with a plastic cover on it) in front of the shop. This bed may be the one they sell that day or it may be one of the incoming ones. They don’t put the bed on its side, they let it stay flat, and these two stray dogs lay and sleep there every time. If it is winter, the shop provides a bed every day. And if it is summer, they give them shade and water.

Thanks to the owner of the shop, the stray dogs do not have to endure cold floors when they sleep.

Not only the shop owner, but the locals love to take care of the dogs.

Neighbors near the area take care of the dogs and they do offer help from time to time, just to make sure that they are being fed properly.

Baykal added:

This street is known as a rich area and everyone gives food or water to the local dog and cats, but no one supplies quality bedding to them normally. This shop does.

One day, Baykal was passing through the area and it was raining, but upon looking around, he realized that the dogs were still being taken cared for.

Talking about the day, he said:

This morning we had very heavy rain in Istanbul, and I saluted my friends on my way to the hospital in the early morning. The shop was closed but the bedding was still there. The lazy one was still sleeping, but his friend was awake and accompanied me to the pedestrian crossing for my safety.

What an amazing thing.

Kudos to the furniture shop and the locals. They are doing a lot for the stray dogs.

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