
Man Spends Over $80,000 To Become “Human Dragon”

A man from Texas, USA, has spent over $80,000 just so they could become a real human dragon.

Tiamat Legion Medusa, who is from Texas, USA, has forked out thousands of dollars and has undergone numerous operations so they could become a dragon.

They have had their ears removed, their tongue split, castrated and countless of tattoos on their body.

 The thing is, the 60-year-old is not yet done.

The man said he is now planning to have the remaining of their 6 teeth removed and replaced by implants so he could have a full set of dragon gnashers.

Talking about his modifications, Tiamat said:

It’s not so much that I have actual venom shooting out of my fangs but it comes from my heart. It can be either a combination of something good or not so good, depending on a particular situation and how I deal with people who are either nice and respectful or those who are mean and ugly. My motto is that each is met as each deserves – I use my intellect and words, which can make flowers grow or cut like a knife, and people can be nice or they get to taste my venom.

Tiamat is also looking into a penectomy, where their male genitals are going to be removed completely.

They are doing this so they could become the world’s first genderless dragon.

Tiamat has been single for 12 years and now they are looking for a partner.

Talking about their taste, Tiamat said:

I have particular tastes in men – and I do mean human men – but my ultimate desire and hope is to meet a fellow reptoid so we can be a perfect couple. That said, however, the perfect human man for me would be one with no tattoos or modifications of any kind, one that is the total opposite of what I am. While I have many reptile enthusiast friends around the world, I have yet to make a connection with someone else that also identifies as a reptilian – but I know they are out there somewhere.

The journey of evolving into a human dragon started for Tiamat in the 1980s.

He said:

[In the dream] I found myself surrounded by snakes, of all colours and the snakes were all biting me and I was very much afraid, but as the dream went on and they kept on biting me, I could see that I was not being hurt by them or their bites. It was when I realised this that my fear began to subside and I felt safe and at peace and I was not afraid of the snakes, then I woke up. I can still recall the dream so vividly as if it happened last night, and it was then that I knew there was an important message for me in my dream – it was an omen that I was one of them, a sign of things to come in my life.

Tiamat was also diagnosed with AIDS in 1997.

He said that they decided to change their life after the diagnosis.

He went on:

Having been to hell and back, having endured so much cruelty at the hands of humans, making myself into something from another species is my own way of dealing with the spiritual, emotional, psychological pain and anguish that continues to torment me through my life today. This is my way of dealing with life and the hand that was dealt me. It may not be how others would have handled things but this is my life and I will do things my way – and I will continue to march to the beat of my own drum.

What are your thoughts on Tiamat’s modifications? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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