
Snake Had To Be Lifted Out Of Rainforest Using Digger Because Of Massive Size

What would you do if you spotted snake this big?

Workers on the Island of Dominica in the Caribbean were left in complete shock after they found a snake in a rainforest that was so huge that it had to be lifted from a tree with the help of a digger.

Images of the rescue went viral on social media after @fakrulazwa, a TikTok user, shared a video of the snake being hoisted off the ground with help of a digger.

In the pictures, you can see how big the snake is despite the fact that it is already up in the air.

The video currently has over 300,000 views.

The uploader of the video did not reveal the breed of the snake, but considering that it happened in Dominica, it is likely to be the deadly boa constrictor, which is capable of growing up t o 4 meters in length.

Many people who watched the video were left in complete shock too, considering that the snake was touching the ground despite being help up in the air by the digger.

What are your thoughts on the size of the snake? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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