
Taliban Supporters Hold Mock Funeral With American, British And French Flag Draped On Coffins

The Taliban are sending out a message to America.

On Tuesday, supporters of the Taliban group held a mock funeral in a city in Afghanistan and carried out coffins that were draped with American and NATO flags.

This happened as the United States of America left the country after a 20 year war on the Taliban, who were responsible for multiple terrorist attacks.

Taliban official Qari Saeed Khosti also declared Aug. 31 “our formal Freedom Day.

During an interview with Zhman TV, a local television station, Khosti said:

On this day, American occupying forces and NATO forces fled the country.

During the mock Funeral, which happened in Khost, an eastern city in the country, attendees held their guns in the air.

Some people that were attending the funeral waved flags of the Taliban.

In other pictures that were shared, French and British flags were also seen draped on coffins that were bring transported.

The mock funeral was carried out on the day the Americans left the country.

One minute before midnight Monday the last US service member in Afghanistan boarded the final flight out of Kabul.

The USA and other countries managed to evacuate 123,000 civilians from the country after the Taliban takeover.

Right now, there are over 100 Americans that got left in the country.

Thousands of Afghan Allies are also still in the country after the USA left them.

Joe Biden, the current sitting President of the United States of America, has tasked Secretary of State Antony Blinken to work with international partners.

They want the Taliban to fulfil their promise of safe passage for Americans and other people that want to leave the country in the upcoming days.

No other information about the people that want to leave the country was released to the public.

What are your thoughts on the Taliban carrying out mock funerals in their country? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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