
Vaccination Center In The Philippines Plays Zombie Apocalypse Movie As People Got Vaccinated

A vaccination center in the Philippines is making headlines all over the world after they played a zombie apocalypse movie as people were getting jabbed.

In the pictures that were shared on social media, the vaccination center could be seen playing World War Z, a movie where Brad Pitt travels the world to tackle a zombie pandemic.

In the movie, Brad Pitt plays the role of a former United Nations employee who travels the world in a race against the clock to stop a zombie pandemic that had nearly whipped out humanity.

A woman shared the picture on Twitter.

The woman said:

My sister’s friend is in the queue to get vaccinated in cavite and they set it up so that they can watch a movie while they wait. bit of a questionable film choice.

The thing is, many believe that the post is just a hoax.

In the picture, you could see Bataan People’s Centre in Balanga instead of Cavite.

No one really knows when the picture was taken or if it is true or not.

The post went viral on Twitter right away and managed to get over 190,000 favorites.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

By Pei Yong

All the web stuff.

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