
8-year-old sister finds 12-year-old brother hanging inside his room after lockdown left him lonely and sad

An 8-year-old sister found his 12-year-old brother hanging inside his room after the pandemic and covid-19 lockdown left him feeling sad and lonely.

Bradh Hunstable, 42, was heartbroken.

He recalled the moment he tried to save the life of little Hayden when the incident was found out inside their house in Aledo, Texas.

The dad of three kids said that the suicide happened 3 days before his 13th birthday.

The father said that his son would have been alive today if it was not for coronavirus.

The man described how his youngest daughter, Kinlee, who is now 9, found Hayden after he took his own life at their house last year.

During an interview with news agency, Brad said:

On April 17 our water went out at the house and my dad came over, Hayden helped us fix it. It was a beautiful sunny day and I gave him a hug and a kiss on the head. Then when my dad left there was just me, Kinlee and Hayden at home. There was only a 30-minute window, Hayden had gone upstairs. Then my daughter ran downstairs and said Hayden has hung himself. I ran up there, pulled him down and tried to save him. I performed CPR but I couldn’t save him. He was gone. I saw something horrific that day and I don’t wish it upon anybody. I still get nightmares about it. Covid killed my son. I think Hayden would still be alive today if Covid had never happened.

The kid going to Aledo Middle School.

His father said he was left devastated by the fact that school was not happening.

The kid also hated virtual learning.

April, the mother of Hayden, was left devastated by the incident.

Brad said that his son was also anxious about cracking a second monitor inside his room.

He was also frustrated by the fact that he was not able to see his friends on the day of his upcoming birthday.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim, may his soul rest in peace.

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