Good News

Couple Open Shelter For Old Abandoned Dogs After Death Of Pet Dog

A couple from New York, USA, rescued over 300 senior shelter dogs and renovated their house to house them after their pet dog passed away.

Mariesa and Chris Hughes started the “The Mr. Mo Project” for their pet dog after they passed away.

The couple rescued senior shelter dogs in memory of their dog and as a result, they have rescued around 300 of them.

The couple formed the project after experiencing the panic and heartbreak of expensive vet bills for their dog, Mo.

They got to know that many senior dogs are abandoned or surrendered to shelters because owners are no longer capable of paying for them.

They formed the project to do their part and to make sure that the elderly dog population in the USA is being cared for.

 The mission of the Mr. Mo Project is to:

To rescue senior dogs from shelters nationwide so they can live out their lives in a loving home setting. Mr. Mo Project coordinates the transport of senior dogs from all over the United States, recruits foster families for the dogs, and provides ongoing support by being a partner in the dogs’ care including paying the medical and vet bills for the duration of their lives.

The non-profit organization is run by Chris and Mariesa Hughes.

The group is responsible for saving countless shelter dogs. The group has saved many since the year 2014.

The group is working with rescue affiliates and volunteers.

Everything started when the couple met Moses, their pet dog.

The couple spotted Moses on social media and upon seeing him, they just knew he was special.

The family already had 8 dogs, but they just wanted Moses to be with them, and they did get him.

Talking about the dog, Mariesa said:

His shelter picture was him in front of a white background wearing a tie. He looked like a perfect little gentleman, and I knew we needed to save him.

The sad thing is that the time for Moses was running out.

The dog was about to be euthanized and the dog has been passed by families because of his old age and health problems.

To save the dog, the family rushed to the shelter and did everything to help him out.

Initially, the family wanted to find him a permanent home through their own animal rescue, but as soon as Moses was adopted, it was clear that the dog was meant for them.

The family ended up treasuring him for the rest of their life.

Sadly, the dog was later diagnosed with old vestibular disease, which was later found out that it was related to an inoperable spinal cord tumour.

The tumour left him with 1 month.

The family bought as many medications and treatments could buy for the dog, but the dog was old and it was his time.

Talking about the death of Moses, the couple said:

Losing Moses put such a strain on our marriage, our hearts, and our house. We honestly didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Moses was almost like another person in our house. He was chatty and silly and loving; he was the gentleman of the pack. It was a really tough loss for all of us.

After that, the family got dedicated to help as many old dogs and make sure they find families that would love and take care of the dogs.

The family runs a page on Facebook, where they post amazing pictures of the dogs that are currently with them.

You can follow the page by clicking here.

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