Good News

For the first time since 1999 Kenya said no rhinos were poached in the year 2020

For the first time since the year 1999, Kenya, the country, announced that no rhinos were poached in the year 2020.

Thanks to extended community outreach and anti-poaching efforts, no rhino in Kenya was poached.

Wildlife officials announced that no rhinos were poached in Kenya last year.

Brigadier John Waweru, the Director General of Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), announced the good news to the media.

He added:

For the first time in 21 years, Kenya Wildlife Service reported zero poaching of rhinos in the year 2020.

Rhino poaching reached a peak back in 2013.

In that year, 59 rhinos were killed and all of them had their horns removed.

Now thanks to a combined effort of increased anti-poaching efforts and expanded community outreach, the numbers are decreasing.

Brigadier John added:

Without tourists I think poachers might think KWS had gone to sleep, but instead we did the reverse and enhanced our efforts. At the start of the pandemic we found there was more interest in bushmeat poaching, but thanks to a sustained, aggressive campaign to help people understand it is not an alternative to beef, we were able to curtail it quickly.

Not only rhinos, but elephants are also being protected in the country.

It was said that only 22 elephants were killed last year.

That’s a massive decrease because Kenya reported an average of 350 elephants being poached on a yearly basis.

Brigadier John added:

I believe it is not a pipe dream to get Kenya’s poaching level to zero.

Such an amazing news to be shared with everyone.

What are your thoughts on zero poaching records in the country of Kenya? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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