Good News

Indonesia Signs New Law Where Child Sex Offenders Will Be Chemically Castrated

Indonesia has announced that they will be signing a new law where child sex offenders are going to be chemically castrated.

The new law was brought in quietly.

The new law will see inmates that have been proven guilty with sexual charges to be chemically castrated.

The practice involves injecting an inmate with a solution that lowers their testosterone levels in a bid to suppress their sexual urges.

The new guidelines were signed in early December and will allow authorities to add on castration when they are sentencing people that sexually abuse a child.

The news was announced by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia.

The group hopes that the new law will help see a cut in the sexual acts in the country.

Human rights campaigners were not happy with the new punishment and they are currently trying to get them overturned, said numerous reports.

Papang Hidayat, Amnesty International’s Researcher on Indonesia, released a statement about the new law.

In the statement, they asked for an urgent review into the decision.

They added:

The sexual abuse of children is indescribably horrific. But subjecting offenders to chemical castration or executions is not justice, it is adding one cruelty to another. Forced chemical castration is a violation of the prohibition on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment under international law. The expansion of the scope of the death penalty is inconsistent with Indonesia’s international obligations which protects the right to life. Further given the serious flaws in Indonesia’s justice system the risk of executing the innocent can never be eliminated.

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