A 27-year-old woman is now the stepmother of her best friend after she married the father of her bff, who by the way is twice her age.
The 2 met through Amanda, the daughter of Kern, 54. They said it was love at first time.
Taylor, who is from Phoenix, Arizona, said:
I thought he was very handsome. When we first met, I worked with Kern’s daughter, she was my best friend and he was married at the time. I was also in a relationship.

At first, there were some thinking involved.
Taylor said she had some thoughts about dating the friend of her father, but got over it after some time.
The 2 got married in May of 2017.
Talyor added:
At the beginning, my parents were kind of concerned, my mom was upset that this was my friend’s dad, but they know I’ve always dated older men.
The 2 families got over that too and now approve the marriage.
Strangers also do some harm to the couple because of the age difference.

After they closed on their new house, the notary told her husband that his daughter could sign at this certain page.
Talking about her and Kern, Taylor said:
But, we hit it off, we like the same music and are both old souls. I fell in love with him for his personality, it made him so attractive to me. He is fun, outgoing, we both like to party, and he was charming.
When it comes to the future, Taylor said they have talked about death.
She knows that Kern might die first because of his old age, but she also knows that tomorrow is never promised.

She added:
We met with a trust and will attorney, it’s something not a lot of mid-20s women have to deal with and it’s pretty hard. But who knows what will happen. Tomorrow is never promised. I could go first tomorrow by a freak accident or anything.
They also have no plans of having kids right now.
Enjoy your wedding guys, you deserve all the happiness in the world.