
Man Got So Drunk That He Officially Changed His Name To Celine Dion And Forgot About It

A man got so drunk that they ended up changing their name to Celine Dion.

The best thing about this is that the man forgot about it and went on with his life.

The man, who was previously named Thomas Dodd, changed his name to Celine Dion after enjoying too many drinks while he was watching the My Heart Will Go On singer performing.

He is 30 years old by the way.

The man paid around £89 to change his name, legally, to Celine Dion.

He also forgot about it and realized the wrong doing that he had done until he got the confirmatory papers form the government.

Thomas, who is know legally known as Mr. Celine Dion, is describing himself as being obsessed with the singer.

Recalling the moment he got to know about it, the man said he nearly fainted out.

Talking about what he did during his drunken session, Mr. Dion said:

I am slightly obsessed with her, I’m not going to lie. During lockdown I’ve been watching a lot of live concerts on the TV. I can only think I’ve been watching one of hers and had a ‘great idea’ after a few drinks. I walked in from work and there was a big white envelope with ‘do not bend’ written across it. I nearly passed out in my kitchen when I opened it. My initial concern was, how on earth do I tell the HR department at work that I need to change my email footer? Now I’m thinking it could be a great way to get backstage.

Mr. Dion is currently hoping that would not be getting pulled over by the authorities anytime soon.

The man said it would be hard for him to prove that everything is a bit awkward.

Talking about how people he knew reacted when they got to know about what he did, Dion said:

Apparently it’s the funniest thing people have read in 2020. I’m glad it’s entertaining people though, it’s not been the best year. Hopefully it will give people a laugh, even if it is at my expense. My mother didn’t see the funny side though. I did explain it could be worse and it could’ve been Boris Johnson – we’re just lucky he doesn’t have any live concerts. She’s laughing about it now. I told my sister and she choked on her sandwich. They seem to be seeing the funny side.

Also, the man does not have any plans to change his name back to whatever it was before.

I mean, he’s Celine Dion right now, why would he even change it?

What are your thoughts about what the man did? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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