
Man Selling Catalytic Converter On Facebook Posts Picture With A Bag Of Meth In The Background

A man that was trying to sell a catalytic converter on Facebook was arrested by the police after they spotted his huge stash of drugs, which was present in the background of the picture that he had posted.

James Kertz posted a picture of the converter on Facebook marketplace last Wednesday, on September 29, 2021.

The 38-year-old man from Missouri, USA, did not check the image before uploading it, a mistake that has left him in jail.

In the picture, the meth is visible along with other drug paraphernalia, which includes a syringe.

A tip-off was sent to Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader shortly after the ad went live online.

During an interview with Fox News, Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader said:

Apparently, he must have been under the influence because, in the background of his picture he posted, he left his large bag of meth and syringe on the coffee table. Take note, if you are selling items on social media, make sure your drugs are not in the background! Sorry folks, his catalytic converters are not for sale right now.

A warrant was obtained by the officers and a search was carried out on the house of Kertz.

Officers found 48 grams of meth and a handgun he wasn’t legally allowed to own.

He is currently being held at Stone County without any bond.

He is charged with of possession of a controlled substance.

This is not the first time he has been convicted.

Kertz has prior convictions for possession of a controlled substance, resisting arrest, domestic assault, and endangering the welfare of a child.

The thing is, folks, check your picture before posting it on social media.

What are your thoughts on Kertz getting arrested? Let us know what we you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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