
Rapper Lil Uzi Vert Gets $24 Million Pink Diamond Implanted Into His Forehead

Lil Uzi Vert, a rapper, is making headlines all over the world after they got a $24 million pink diamond implanted on their forehead.

Yep, the diamond is real and the color is pink!

Talking about his diamond, the man said that it is fashion.

He also released a statement about it on Twitter, where he called out people that were judging him.

Lil Uzi Vert said in the tweet:

THIS IS FASHION. I never cared about judgmental people on this earth.

Lil Uzi, who was born as Symere Bysil Woods, talked about the diamond implanted on his forehead, saying:

I’ve been paying for a natural pink diamond from Elliot for years now. This one Stone cost so much I’ve been paying for it since 2017. That was the first time I saw a real natural pink diamond. A lot of M’s in my face.

The rapper also said in a tweet that the pink diamond is worth around $24 million and is around 10 to 11 carats heavy.

Uzi also bragged the fact that his cars, plus home, and other belongings will not pay for the diamond.

He added:

Yes my Bugatti can’t even pay for it … all my cars together, plus home, this took so long now I can get this money.

One user asked Uzi on why he did not just get a diamond ring.

Luckily, Uzi responded to his question and said:

If I lose the ring yeah U will make fun of me more than putting it in my forehead ha ha jokes on you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… And yes I do have insurance.

When you have extra money, you do some stupid stuff.

What are your thoughts on Uzi getting a pink diamond implanted on his forehead? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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