Good News

Woman Is Reunited With Her Engagement Ring 30 Years After It Was Stolen

A 82-year-old woman was reunited with her engagement ring 30 years after it got stolen thanks to a metal detectorist who found it on a beach in Scotland.

George Taylor, the metal detectorist, found the ring 4 inches below the surface of the sand in Carnoustie.

The ring originally belongs to Dorothy Nicoll.

The man then turned detective.

He used the 1963 date and initials engraved inside the ring to track down the woman.

The man managed to find records of her wedding.

A search through Facebook led to Hilary, the daughter of Dorothy.

Dorothy then gave it to a local jeweller, who replaced the stone and cleaned it out properly.

She said:

When Hilary told me someone had been in touch to say they had found my engagement ring I thought ‘it can’t be, impossible’. I had given up on it right after it had been stolen. But as soon as I saw it I recognised it straight away because of the engravings inside. The local jeweller did a great job and now I am over the moon to have it back.

Dorothy’s ring, which was given by Andrew, her husband, was stolen when thieves got into the house of the couple.

The couple were at the theater one night in 1987 when it got stolen.

Dorothy, who is currently living on Brook Street, said:

We arrived home and saw instantly the TV, record player and things like that were gone. My jewellery box as well. The stone was missing out of the ring so that’s why I left it at home in the jewellery box. We never heard back from the police so I assume the thieves were never caught.

The sad thing is that Andrew was not there to witness the ring.

Andrew died around 4 years ago.

Talking about Andrew, Dorothy said:

He would have loved to have seen it again. Andrew was a student at the time we got engaged and he got some money from a job and then said ‘let’s get married’. We went to buy a ring and both agreed on that one straight away, although he said the reason he liked it was because the stone was the same colour as a pint of Export.

George, the detectorist, found the ring during one of the regular jaunts to comb the sands of the beach.

Talking about the find, he said:

For me it’s about the wonderful stories you find out about by doing this. I’m just happy to get the ring back to her.

Such an amazing story, right? Let us know what you think about the story by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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