
1000 doses of the coronavirus vaccine thrown away after cleaner unplugged fridge to charge their smartphone

A lot of vaccines wasted because of a single mistake. 

Nearly 1,000 doses of the coronavirus vaccine were thrown away after a cleaner unplugged their fridge in order to charge their smartphone.

Burul Asylbekova, an official at the Kyrgyzstan’s Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, said that the incident happened at a clinic in Bishkek this year.

1000 vaccines that were supposed to be part of a delivery of 20,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine were donated to the country by Russia.

The Sputnik Coronavirus vaccine is required to be stored at -18 degrees celsius, but another version of the vaccine can be stored in a fridge that has 2 degrees celsius temperature.

It was said by Alimkadyr Beishenaliyev, the Health Minister of the country, said that one of the clinic’s cleaners unplugged the fridge that was holding the vaccines in order to charge the smartphone that they own.

This small act left the vaccines unusable. 

What are your thoughts on the cleaner turning off the fridge to charge their smartphone? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below! 

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