
Frog Jumps On Top Of Tortoise For A Lift

A frog was caught on camera hitching a ride on a tortoise and the images of the encounter are just hilarious.

The hilarious moment was caught on camera by a photographer in Indonesia.

It shows the hilarious moment a 3-ounce frog jumping on top of a tortoise so they could get a lift.

Here are some of the images that were taken by the photographer:

The images that we shared above were taken in Padang, Indonesia, by a 35-year-old photographer who has been identified as 35-year-old Yan Hidayat.

Yan was around 9 feet away from the animals when he caught the images.

He was using his expensive Nikon D90 that had a 105 F2.6 VR Macro Lens.

Talking about the images, he said:

In these photos, I like to see the friendship between the tortoise and the frog. When people see these photos, they say how good they are and how it’s nice to see the animal’s friendship. Animals are our friends. It’s sad to see them being sold for slaughter for human benefit.

The frog that was in the pictures is a dumpy tree frog.

They are frequently found in the canopy of trees that are near still waters.

Hilarious images right? Let us know what you think about them by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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