
53-year-old Indian man arrested for shooting dead neighbour’s dog after it bit his wife and “other people”

A 53-year-old heartless man from Indore, Madhya Pradesh, shot dead the dog of his neighbour because it reportedly bit his wife, said the authorities in India. 

The Indian police arrested 53-year-old Narendra Vishvaiyya for killing the animal.

Manish Mahor, a police officer investigating the case, said that Narendra was arrested under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code for killing or maiming cattle and others.

Preliminary investigations had revealed that the man was extremely angry that the dog bit his wife, who was not named.

The man used his licensed weapon to kill the dog on the night of Wednesday.

The police said that the dog was shot on the neck by Narendra, this left the pooch dead.

The man that killed the dog claimed that the dog of their neighbour had also bitten others in the locality.

The police that are investigating the case have said that if the claims of the man are to be found true, legal action will also be taken against the owner of the pet.

Authorities did not reveal any other information about the incident.

No official statement by the Indore Police Department was also released. 

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