Good News

Dr. Omar Atiq Wipes Away $650,000 Of Debt From Hundreds Of His Cancer Patients

A kind-hearted doctor wiped out $650,00 of debt from hundreds of his cancer patients and they are doing what’s right.

Dr. Omar Atiq, who are from Arkansas, USA, is the one that is doing the good act.

The doctor has founded their own cancer treatment centre and recently, they announced that all their patients that had debts will not be paying anymore because they will be cleared out.

In February of this year, the centre that they founded had to shut down due to staff shortages.

The centre was offering cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

This year, Dr. Atiq sent out holiday greeting cards to around 200 patients, where they announced that their debts will be cleared out.

The note that was given in the greeting cards said:

The Arkansas Cancer Clinic was proud to have you as a patient. Although various health insurances pay most of the bills for the majority of patients, even the deductibles and co-pays can be burdensome. The clinic has decided to forego all balances owed to the clinic by its patients. We thought there was not a better time to do this than during a pandemic that has decimated homes, people’s lives and businesses and all sorts of stuff. We just thought we could do it, and we wanted to, so we went ahead and did it.

What an amazing act by Dr. Atiq!

In 1991, Dr. Atiq moved to Pine Bluff, Arkansas, after completing a fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New Yeark.

He is originally from Pakistan.

After opening the centre in 1991, he went on to become the first non-White president of the Arkansas Medical Society.

He is also the chairman-elect of the board of governors of the American College of Physicians in 2018.

The world needs more people like Dr. Atiq and he is an angel on earth.

What are your thoughts about the amazing act of Dr. Atiq? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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