
Elephant Cries In Pain As It Is Repeatedly Hit For Disobeying Orders In Southern India

2 men in India have been arrested by the authorities after they were caught on camera repeatedly hitting an elephant, who reportedly did not obey what they were instructing them to do.

Watch the video below:

The incident that we are talking about happened at an elephant camp in Thekkampatti, which is located in the municipality of Mettupalayam, Southern India.

A mobile footage that went viral on the internet shows 45-year-old Vinil Kumar, a trainer, and his assistant, Sivaprasad, hitting the female elephant’s leg.

Long sticks were used, said official reports by Indian news agencies.

The poor elephant was heard whining in pain in the video.

It could also be seen lifting their legs every time the trainers were hitting her.

Investigations that was launched by the local Forestry Department stated that the incident happened on February 20, 2021.

The elephant was reportedly disobeying the commands of the trainer.

Kumar and Sivaprasad chained the elephant to the tree and started to attack it as a punishment for not obeying their commands.

The elephant is just one of the many 26 elephants that live in the area.

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