
Family Left “Distraught” As Beloved Pet Dog Dies After Getting Spooked By Fireworks

Members of a family in Cardiff were left distraught after their dog was killed following being spooked by fireworks.

According to reports, the dog was run over by a car and was killed after they were spooked by fireworks.

A local vet in Cardiff broke the sad news to Garry Hamilton and his family that Cadi, the 5-year-old dog, had passed away.

Cadi was living with Garry and his wife Ceri near Roath Park in Cardiff when she went outside in the garden for toilet.

As she was outside, she got spooked by noisy explosives.

As a result of the loud noises, she bolted from the garden, broke the fence and ran around the recreation ground nearby.

Talking about Cadi, Garry Hamilton said:

It was all quiet when we let her out, but it suddenly got very noisy very quickly.

She must have freaked out and escaped somehow, but before I could go and look for her I got word that she’d been hit by a car and killed. Someone must have taken her to the local vet who, having found our details on Cadi’s microchip, called us with the awful news.

Garry also talked about how their family reacted when they were told that their dog is no more.

He recalls:

We’re distraught, she was such a fantastic dog, very affectionate. I loved our walks together. I just want to warn other pet owners that, even though Bonfire Night is over, to keep a close eye on their animals. People will still be setting off fireworks in the run up to Christmas and we don’t want what happened to Cadi happening to anyone else’s dog.

Caitlin also talked about the horrifying incident.

She said on Facebook:

Hope everyone enjoyed their fireworks, we lost the most beautiful girl in the world to them last night. There’s the biggest Cadi shaped hole in our hearts and she didn’t deserve her fate, just short of her 6th birthday. For anyone assuming that we were walking her off the lead late on bonfire night – we weren’t. We live opposite the rec, she went outside for a wee and broke out of the fence, ran blind and we couldn’t find her.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Cardi, may the dog rest in peace.

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