
Family Of Duck Ushered Away Out Of Library After They Accidentally Waddled In

Just a cute moment lifting up the days of a lot of people.

A video that is viral on social media right now shows the moment a family duck was being ushered away out of a library after they accidentally waddled in.

In the video, the mother and her 5 ducklings stunned the staff and the students after they wandered in through an open door.

The incident happened at the University of Nottingham’s George Green Library.

Emma Halford-Busby, from University of Nottingham Libraries, said:

It had been very hot that week, so we had left our doors open for some extra air movement. The ducks came in and walked around our atrium for a while, mom in front and ducklings in a line behind. Mom was totally calm and unflustered.

The ducks checked out some of the places and then left the area.

Emma went on:

You often come across ducks in seemingly odd places around campus, but that was definitely the oddest place I’ve seen them. It did bring some excitement into an otherwise peaceful evening.

In the video you can see the bird family heading out through the security barrier.

They then made their way back to their pond.

Emma said that the ducks walked through their other entrance and one of the staff at the library gently ushered them through the gates and back outside.

Such an adorable moment, right?

What are your thoughts on the adorable moment? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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