Good News

Father Shows Hilarious Aftermath Of Visiting Little Daughter’s Beauty Salon

Once we become parents, we do anything we can to make things happen and keep our family, especially our children happy, however, some say there is a limit, but some, including me, believe there’s no such thing.

One of the best example for this is a story that was recently share on Twitter by a user.

The story highlights the aftermath of a father that visited the make-shift beauty salon of her daughter.

Brad Cubbie, who goes by Bcube40 on Twitter, shared a tweet where he showed the make up that his daughter did on him as he visited her beauty salon inside their house.

You can see the aftermath below:

That’s one hilarious outcome.

But kudos to the father, who kept his chill and made his little one happy by allowing her to do anything on him.

The tweet that Brad made currently has around 599,000 favorites along with thousands of comments.

Here are some of the comments that were left on the tweet that he made:


What are your thoughts about the act of the father? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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