
Hero Dog Takes A Bullet To The Jaw While Protecting Her Family From Armed Thugs

A man’s best friend and protector.

A rescue dog recently took a bullet to their jaw so they could protect her family from armed thugs.

Kei, the young cross Malinois dog, was shot in the face while trying to protect her family during a violent home invasion in Benoni on October 3, where she took a bullet on her jaw for her family.

The story was shared on Facebook by the Boksburg SPCA, the place where Kei was adopted from by the Lamont family in 2020.

The Boksburg SPCA said:

It was love at first sight. Little did they know that, within a year, this dog was going to save their lives.

The animal protection organization revealed in the post that 2 armed robbers broke into the Lamont home in Lakefield Benoni in the early hours of October 3, 2021, while the family was sleeping.

The post explained:

One intruder entered the main bedroom where a terrifying shoot-out took place, and [the intruder] was shot dead. The second intruder entered the eldest daughter’s bedroom, gun in hand, not knowing that Kei was also on the bed, watching over her best friend. Kei recognized danger immediately and flew across the room before the intruder could get through the door, attacking him with a force he wasn’t expecting. The intruder retreated back into the hall and down the stairs leaving a trail of blood behind him. As he was fleeing, he shot and killed the family’s Biewer Yorkie Holly who, as small as what she was, gave her life to protect her family. Kei chased the intruder down the stairs and into the kitchen where he opened fire and shot her through the face. Leaving Kei wounded and stunned, he made good his escape. Kei knew she had to get help and, despite her injuries, made her way out the gate to alert a neighbor she knew well.

The post added:

Surveillance footage shows her pacing up and down the gate trying to get help. She couldn’t bark because one of the bullets had shattered her jaw. With no luck, she ran down to the lake, a place she’s familiar with, looking for help. Back inside the Lamont home, the search for Kei became frantic and the family drove out into the streets looking for her. Forty minutes later they found her lying on the grass by the water. The owners contacted the Boksburg SPCA who attended the scene immediately and assisted the Lamont family. Kei was rushed to an after-hour vet where they stabilized her and gave her plenty of morphine. Things didn’t look good for Kei.

The dog was brought to the hospital after the incident.

The following morning,  an x-ray revealed that the bullet had entered the side of her nose, had shattered 2 top molars, had severely injured her tongue and had broken her jaw.

After the surgery, Kei was released back to her family.

She was also referred to Professor Steenkamp, a specialist at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic hospital, for reconstructive surgery on her jaw.

The Boksburg SPCA also talked about what the dog did when she got home.

They said:

She sniffed and inspected the entire area, making sure all was safe before she went inside to lie on her bed.

The owners of Kei have set up a crowdfund on BackaBuddy to raise funds so they could cover the cost of Kei’s surgery and other medical costs.

Such an amazing story, right?

What are your thoughts on Kei taking a bullet for her family? Let us know what  you think about her bravery by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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