
It’s Real! Snow Falls On The Dunes Of The Sahara Desert

When people think about deserts, they usually think its going to be pretty hot and really sandy, but that’s not true.

Images that are viral on social media right now show snow fallen on parts of the Sahara Desert and the entire thing is just amazing!

It is not frequently seen that the Sahara Desert in Africa sees their temperature below 0, where snowfall could be experienced.

Karim Bouchetata, a photographer, captured amazing images of snow decorating the dunes of the Sahara near Ain Sefra, a town in Algeria.

In the images that he took, sheep were seen wandering around in the sand that had snow over them.

The incident that we are talking about happened on January 13, 2021, where the temperatures dropped to -3 degrees Celsius.

Ain Sefra is famously known as the Gateway to the Desert and by numbers, it is so high that is above 1000 meters in sea level.

Deserts can get cold during night time, however, snowfall is pretty uncommon, but that was not the case recently.

Here are some of the best images that were taken by Karim:

Right now, the desert is dry and hot, but scientists believe that in the next 15,000 years, everything can become green once again.

Such amazing photographs, right?

What are your thoughts about the images that Karim took? Let us know what you think about them by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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