
Memorial for stillborn babies is covered in graffiti saying “covid hoax” and “one less rat”

Heartless vandals covered the memorial of stillborn babies in graffiti with harsh words while saying this pandemic is a hoax.

The memorial was filled with hatred words such as “covid hoax”, “f*** yous”, and “one less rat”.

The marble plaque for the stillborn reads “For All Our Babies Briefly Known Forever Loved”.

Gravestones in the memorial were also covered in graffiti.

Some of the gravestones were vandalized with the word “scum”.

The horrible act was discovered on Saturday May 1, 2021, in Snowdrop Memorial Garden for stillborn and neonatal deaths in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland.

The images of the horrible incident were then shared on social media, where thousands of people were left with mixed emotions.

The police are currently hunting down the people that carried out the horrible act.

They have not made any arrests as of writing this blog.

The spokesperson for the Dunfermline Police released a statement about the incident, where they said:

Around 10.05am on Saturday May 1, police were contacted with regard to a vandalism at a baby memorial within Dunfermline Cemetery, Halbeath Road, Dunfermline. Officers have attended and the graffiti has been removed. Inquiries, which are at a very early stage, are continuing.

The graffiti has been cleaned up.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the parents of the babies that passed away because of this pandemic, may their souls rest in peace.

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