Good News

Newborn Baby Who Contracted Coronavirus Goes Home Healthy After Spending 70 Days In Hospital

A newborn baby that contracted the coronavirus is now home after being deemed healthy by health experts.

The baby that we are talking about spent 70 days in the hospital after they tested positive for the coronavirus.

Petru, the baby, was born at the Vitash Valencia 9 de Octuber hospital in Spain last year, however, the baby had to be brought back in because they were having breathing problems.

It was later found out that the baby had contracted the coronavirus from their brother, who had the virus but showed no symptoms of it.

Petru was admitted to intensive care and at first, no one was allowed to go near the little one.

Cristina and Jose, the parents of the baby, were the only one that were allowed to see the baby, and it was only allowed through video call.

According to local reports, the recovery of the newborn baby was really slow and the staff of the hospital had to nurse him back to their health.

Petru remained in hospital for over 2 months as they struggled with respiratory problems and had was not eating properly.

Luckily, the baby managed to fight it out and tested negative of the virus after spending around 70 days in the hospital.

After spending a lot of days in the hospital, the boy was allowed to go home and the entire incident was caught on camera.

Cristina, the mother of the baby, thanked the entire staff of the hospital with her whole heart.

The mother told the staff that she and her family will never forget the things the entire hospital did for her and her baby.

What an amazing thing to share with your family and friends.

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