Good News

Pilot saves adorable French bulldog puppies from raging wildfires

A man with s golden heart.

A volunteer pilot is currently making headlines all over the world after they undertook a special mission to fly 2 French bulldog puppies to safety.

Jerry Phan, a pilot, volunteered for the Pilots’n’Paws recently when they were handed the mission.

While they managed to save the puppies, but the mother was not.

It is said that the mother of the puppies died in the fire.

In a post that was made on Facebook, Jerry said that the eyes of the puppies had not opened yet.

Jerry went on:

Eyes have not opened yet and they need to be tube fed. I named them Salt and Pepper. The white one is currently in critical condition.

The puppies are currently in an incubator.

Jerry said he flew the Cessna FA152 Aerobat through thick smoke just to keep the puppies alive after they were found.

The puppies will eventually be moved to a veterinary facility in northern California.

After becoming big and health, they will be moved into their permanent homes.

Jerry was not injured in the entire rescue mission.

Right now, The government of Los Angeles, California has sent out a mandatory evacuation as there is a 1325 acre wildfire burning near the Pacific Palisades District.

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