
Police discover decomposing body of Spanish woman who was partially eaten by her pet cats

The police have discovered the decomposing body of a 79-year-old woman who was partially eaten by her pet animals.

It is believed that the woman, who has been identified as Clara Ines Tabon, had been eaten by her pet cats after she passed away.

5 animals were also found dead inside her house.

According to the police, there were a total of 7 animals inside the property when they entered it.

The incident happened in the Northern Madrid neighbourhood of Fuencarral.

Neighbours told local press they believe that the woman, who is 79, may have passed away after contracting covid. 

A neighbour called the police after strong smell coming from her flat and a number of flies were spotted.

Police had to call in firefighters so they could forcefully enter the apartment throught one of the windows.

Clara was found dead in one of the rooms during the search.

Her upper part was partially eaten by the animals.

2 surviving cats were brought to an animal rescue center.

A neighbour, who was not named, said:

A police officer said it was the worst thing he had ever seen since in his job.

Authorities currently saying that the woman passed away at least 3 months ago.

The autopsy report has not yet been released.

The woman lived alone in her flat.

She lived there since 1996.

Her family are currently living in Columbia.

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