
Texas Firefighter Rescues Dog From Frozen Pound

A firefighter from Texas is making headlines all over the internet for rescuing a dog that had fell inside a frozen pond.

As we all know right now, Texas is battling cold temperatures for the first time in the last 30 years and people along with animals are having a hard time coping up with it.

One incident that has caught the attention of many was when Rescue Battalion Chief Larry Norrid rescued a dog that got stuck in frozen pond.

Suitey, the dog, escaped from the house of her owner and found herself in a frozen pond.

She got stuck there and could not get out, so the police had to be called in.

Because they did not have enough equipment to pull off a rescue operation as the snow in the area was really deep, they had to call in some help from the firefighters.

Norrid was sent to the scene.

They tied a rope on their waist and started to move towards the pond.

They slowly and steadily pulled the canine out.

Luckily, the dog did not have injuries when they were rescued.

During an interview with NewsWest7, Norrid said:

It’s the satisfaction of the job, that’s why everyone in this department does what they do, the satisfaction we get from helping people in a time of need.

Such an amazing rescue story, right?

By Pei Yong

All the web stuff.

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