
The Only Gorilla In Thailand Has Been Living Inside A Concrete Cell At The World’s Saddest Zoo For 38 Years

The only living gorilla in Thailand has been trapped inside a concrete cell in the saddest zoo of our world since 1983.

Bua Noi remains locked up at the infamous Pata Zoo in Thailand.

Noi passes her time by sleeping or begging people that are visiting the zoo for some food.

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have been desperate to rehome the animals for years.

Despite failing, they are not giving up.

Jason Baker, the Senior Vice President of Asia for PETA, said:

Bua Noi is the only gorilla in the whole country. Imprisoned with little opportunity for exercise or psychological stimulation, she’s spent decades in isolation, confined between the walls of her concrete cell. For this and many other reasons, Pata Zoo is known for being one of the saddest places in the world. All the animals there are kept in cramped, barren cages and deprived of everything that’s natural and important to them. PETA Asia has campaigned against Pata Zoo for years and continues to push for change.

During an interview with DailyStar, Jason said that the organization is currently prepared to step in and rehome Bua Noi.

Not only the gorilla, but they are also willing to help other animals at any moment.

They have been campaigning for Bua Noi’s release since the year 2012.

He explained:

The group stands ready to help transfer all the animals held there to a sanctuary, where they would have trees to climb, grass to roll on, and many animals to play with. The public can do its part by avoiding this facility at all costs.

Pata Zoo is located in Bangkok and is on the sixth and seventh floor of the Pata Pinklao Department Store.

Videos and images that have been taken of the zoo shows how the animals are living in such horrifying conditions.

A report by the IAR (International Animal Rescue) in 2016 suggested that animals at the Pata Zoo are left to die.

Bears, pythons, tigers and more than 200 other species of animals are kept at the zoo.

Last year, award-winning actress Gillian Anderson wrote a letter to Kanit Sermsirimongkol, the owner of the zoo.

They said in the letter:

In these trying days, we are all experiencing the challenges of seclusion. I can’t help but think about the animals in the Pata Zoo, who have experienced the same loneliness and isolation for years or decades. In light of the recent fire that broke out at the zoo, I am writing to ask you to honestly reflect on what life is like for animals there and to come to the decision to close it.

Let’s hope Bua Noi will be rehomed in the near future so she could live the last days of her life in a better place.

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