
Thousands Of Sea Creatures Wash Up Dead On Beach In The UK In “Worst Mystery Case” Ever

Thousands of sea creatures are continuously washing up dead on sandy beaches in the United Kingdom in what locals are calling the worst mystery case they have ever witnessed.

Pictures that are being shared online shows dead and alive crabs, lobsters along with many other sea creatures washing up on a beach.

This happened on the beach between Marske and Saltburn in Teesside.

The sea creatures were also seen washing up in Seaton Carew, and further north at Seaham.

The Environment Agency confirmed on Monday that they have launched an investigation for the unusual occurrences.

Experts believe that pollution is the one to blame for this one.

Marske resident Sharon Bell, who walks the stretch of beach near her home every day, said that the number of creatures washing up on the beach are increasing over the past two weeks.

Bell said she was out early on Monday morning photographing the sunrise with Christopher, her husband, when they found huge piles of dead and alive crabs and lobsters littered across the beach.

The couple then spent around 4 hours to return any alive animals that they could find back into the water.

Talking about the incident, Bell, who is 48, said:

I have been along my usual walk from Marske to Saltburn and was utterly shocked and saddened to see in some parts, waist deep seaweed full of thousands of dead and alive crabs and lobsters, all kinds and species.

The woman lived in the area for 21 years and said that she has never seen anything like the scene that she saw on the beach.

She added:

My husband and I have spent hours putting as many live ones as we could back in the sea, something is very, very wrong here. This has been building up for a couple of weeks, along our coast and no-one is doing anything about it.

The investigation is still being carried out.

The local authorities did not release an official statement about the deaths of the animals.

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