
Woman gets stuck upside-down on a fence after trying to sneak into beer garden

A video that is viral on social media right now shows a woman hanging upside-down on a fence after she tried to sneak into a beer garden.

Nicole Meadows, a onlooker, was enjoying a drink at The Hope and Anchor in Royton, Greater Manchester on May 7, 2021, when she spotted two lasses try to nab a seat.

One of the girls that wanted to do such tried to step over the fence but got her foot stuck.

The second girl flings over the railing however her jeans got caught, which left her upside-down.

People were laughing when the incident happened.

The good thing is that an unknown person helped the stranger that got caught and was left upside-down.

Nicole, who is from Middleton, said:

It was hilarious. I’ve never seen anything like that before. It was highly amusing. Everybody was laughing. They’d closed the doors because the pub was full, but there were still a couple of empty benches outside. The girls were trying to climb over the fence to sit at one of the benches and get served. The first girl managed to get over, but the second one didn’t.  [She was] saying ‘I deserve a drink because I hurt my vagina’. She definitely wanted a beer.

The landlady of The Hope and Anchor pub, Margaret Newton, released a statement about the hilarious incident.

Talking about the girls, she said:

The door was shut, she tried to get in and she wasn’t served. That’s the only thing I can say. I told her to come back later on when it might have died down, but she didn’t do. I haven’t seen her since. I did ask her to come back. I said ‘we are full love. I’m not serving you’. I’m just glad she didn’t hurt herself. It’s a light-hearted story. I have no problems. They do tend to climb over the fence. If they climb over the fence, the rule is they don’t get served. I’ll just be glad when we can get back to normal. We’ll be able to welcome people back in and save all this hassle.

Luckily no one was seriously injured in the entire incident.

What are your thoughts on the incident? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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