
Woman Is Bitten On The Behind By Black Bear As She Sat Down On A Cabin Toilet In Alaska

A woman from Alaska was bitten on the behind by a black bear as she was sitting on a cabin toilet in Alaska.

Shannon Stevens, the woman, said she was attacked by the large animal from below as soon as she say down on the toilet seat.

The woman said she was with Erik, her brother, and his girlfriend when the incident happened.

They were using snowmobiles into the wilderness to stay at his yurt, which is located by Chilkat Lake, around 17 miles northwest of Haines, Southeast Alaska.

The trio ate sausages by the open fire before Shannon went to the toilet.

Talking about the incident, she said:

I got out there and sat down on the toilet and immediately something bit my butt right as I sat down. I jumped up and I screamed when it happened.

Erik heard the screams and went to the outhouse, which is around 150 feet away.

At first, they thought that something small bit her.

But after opening the toilet seat up, there was a bear there.

Erik added:

I opened the toilet seat and there’s just a bear face just right there at the level of the toilet seat, just looking right back up through the hole, right at me. I just shut the lid as fast as I could. I said: “There’s a bear down down there, we got to get out of here now”. And we ran back to the yurt as fast as we could.

Once they were back inside, they treated the wounds of Shannon with a first aid kit.

It was not that serious, said Shannon.

Luckily no one was seriously injured in the incident.

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