
Canadian Man Punches Nurse In The Face After She Vaccinated His Wife Without His “Authorization”

A nurse was severely injured after a man punched her in the face because she vaccinated his wife without his “authorization”.

The news was confirmed by Canadian Police spokesman Martin Carrier.

During an interview with CNN, the police spokesperson said that the nurse, who works at a pharmacy in Sherbrooke, Quebec, was seriously injured in the incident.

An ambulance had to be called at the pharmacy to take the victim, who is in her forties, to the hospital.

She was treated for multiple injuries to her face and a possible concussion.

As of writing this, the pharmacy suspended their vaccination program.

The police are also hunting the man, who is French speaking.

The suspect is around 30 to 45 years old, has dark hair, dark eyes, thick eyebrows and a tattoo of a cross on his hand.

They were also wearing earrings.

According to official police reports, the man had stormed into the pharmacy on Monday morning.

Canadian Police spokesman Martin Carrier said:

Right at the beginning, the suspect was very angry, very aggressive, he asked the nurse why she vaccinated his wife without approval, without his consent and he punched her right in the face multiple times so the nurse didn’t have the time to defend or explain herself … and she fell to the ground and the suspect left running out of the drugstore.

Benoit Morin, the president of a Canadian Pharmacists Association, told CBC that he could not comprehend the violent assault.

Talking about the incident Morin said:

When we have discussions with customers, I mean it’s one-on-one with the patient. We don’t need the family approval, so I don’t know what happened, or where this thing comes from.

The current condition of the pharmacist that was punched in the face is unknown.

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