A golden retriever is currently viral on social media after they were filmed holding a sign where they were seen begging thieves to return their best friend.
Maomao used to play with Doudou, the dog of his neighbor, at a park in Xinxiang, which is located in the Henan province of China.
The 2 lovely dogs were inseparable, however, the dog was snatched by a man on the street last month and the dog was left heartbroken.

In order to find the dog that got stolen, Shao, the owner of the dog, shared a video of Maomao holding a note asking park-goers to bring the dog back to their house.
The video was so sad that it went viral right away.
The dog also refuses to leave the park, hoping that his best friend will come at the scene.
Shao shared a video of the moment the thief took the dog away, which happened on December 23, 2020.

During an interview with New Beijing Post, he said:
I was hoping Maomao could draw people’s attention to read the note and maybe, help searching for Doudou. We have been to a lot of places – wet markets, slaughter houses and dog markets – and gave out as many flyers as we could. But we have no luck so far. Me and my neighbour knew the chance of finding Doudou is slim but we are not giving up. Maomao is waiting to reunite with Doudou.
The entire story is really sad.
What are your thoughts about it? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!
Also, share this news so you can help the owners find the dog that was stolen.