
Firefighters Jump Into Freezing Waters To Rescue Scared Drowning Deer

Firefighters in Kansas are making headlines on the internet for carrying out a heroic act.

The firefighters were called to assist the sheriff’s deputies to rescue a deer that fell into the ice-cold waters of a frozen lake.

The incident happened on a lake that is located in the town of Edgerton.

The Fire District Number 1 of Johnson County revealed on Facebook that crews were called to the lake by the Johnson County Government Emergency Communications Centre.

It was said that the animal, which was scared, was stranded at around 50 feet from shore.

The owner of the property told rescuers that the deer had been stuck in the freezing water for around 20 minutes.

A statement was released about the incident on Facebook, where the rescuers said:

Crews put on specialised ice rescue suits to begin rescuing the deer. Crew members were met with 1-inch thick ice while making their way to the deer. Once the crew members made contact with the deer, they began making their way back to the shoreline with the deer in hand. The deer remained calm during the entire rescue. The deer was warmed up with blankets and then moved to a sunny area. Once the deer was warm enough, it eventually jumped back up and took off running with no injuries. Although this was a positive outcome for this deer, it’s still a reminder for us land-dwellers to use extra caution whenever near-frozen water.

Such an amazing thing to do in such times.

What are your thoughts about their kind act? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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