
Hero father dies after falling through ice while trying to rescue family’s pet dog

A hero father passed away after they fell through ice in a frozen pond while he was trying to rescue their pet dog.

Ian Morrell passed away after being rushed to a hospital by air ambulance.

Reports suggest that the incident happened inside their house in Bo’ness, Scotland, on Friday.

The 66-year-old reportedly crashed through the ice of a curling pond as they tried to rescue his family dog.

Simba was stuck in the water.

Onlookers phoned the emergency services and Mr. Morrell was rushed to the Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary.

The man tragically passed away a few hours later.

Alana, the daughter of the man, paid tribute to her father.

She called him a role model an inspiration.

She added:

He was a popular and loved by many man, he was one in a million and completely irreplaceable. To my best friend, Dad, I’ll forever be your wain and my life will never be the same without you in it. I hope you can be with me throughout my next milestones and know how much I want you there but just not in the way that I hoped. I hope I make you proud and I wish I could have had one last chance to thank you for everything throughout these past 20 years (which weren’t enough). The once in a lifetime holidays you’ve taken me on and for driving me 5+ hours to figure skating competitions, never leaving the side of the rink. 20 years of memories to last a lifetime. If I could reverse back to when we used to sing our song in the car on the way to school or to the weekends you took me swimming and we got a blue slush or banana milkshake from McDonalds, I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.  There’s not enough pages in a book to write everything. You will never truly understand how much I appreciate everything you have ever done for me and how I wish this was different. You made me the person I am today by showing me to never give up and always do my best. I am truly heartbroken that I’ll never hear your voice again or have anyone to reassure me through my worries and troubles or rescue me at 4am. I still hope that you will come through that door and scream “MAAAA WAIN”. I’d do anything in this world for that to happen and I’d never let you go again. No one in this whole entire universe had a dad better than mine. He gave me everything and more. He went above and beyond for me and he was the best anyone could have asked for, a great role model, an inspiration which I hope lives within me now. It’s going to be a long time until we meet again but I hope you’re having a ball, you deserve the world. One last huge thank you for risking your life saving Simba. I know how much you loved him and I truly hope a part of you lives within him as you loved him with all your heart, just as much as I do.

The Scotland Police released a statement about the incident.

They said the incident happened on February 12, 2021, at around 12:45 pm.

The man and the dog were trapped at the Curling Pond in Kinneil Woods, Bo’ness/

The police said in the statement:

Around 12.45pm on Friday, 12 February, 2021, police received report of a man and a dog in the water at the Curling Pond, Kinneil Woods, Bo’ness. The man was recovered from the water by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and taken by helimed to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, where he later died. The dog was recovered from the water and left in the care of the SSPCA. Enquiries are ongoing.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the man, may his soul rest in peace.

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