
Inmate Turns Himself In After Being Mistakenly Released From Custody

Yep, you read that one right.

An inmate from Canada was so honest that he decided to turn himself in after he was mistakenly released from prison.

The inmate got released earlier this month and was back in custody after they decided to go with honesty.

Codie Tobie Cardinal, the inmate, was released from the Regina Correctional Centre in Saskatchewan, Canada, on March 9, 2021, after appearing in the Estevan Court of Queen’s Bench through video conference.

According to a government news release, the man was released from prison because of an administrative error in communication information from the court office in Estevan to the Reginal jail.

The man was originally supposed to stay in the Regina Court of Queen’s Bench on Additional Charges.

According to the Regina Leader-Post, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice said that the staff of the correctional centre were not aware of the incident.

It was until recently that the police were notified about it and an public notification process was initiated.

The people of the area were warned not to approach the man if they saw him.

The man was supposed to remain on remand as he was awaiting another appearance in court on conspiracy allegations.

The man luckily did the right thing and turned himself in.

The man turned himself in in March of this year, confirmed the ministry.

It was reported that Cardinal had turned himself in the Regina Police Service and was taken into custody right away.

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