
McDonald’s Worker Caught Putting Her Hand Down Her Pants While Using The Fryer

A video that is viral on social media right now shows a worker for a fast-food chain using the fryer and scratching down their bum at the same time.

The entire thing was caught on cam and it was shared on TikTok, a viral video sharing platform.

In the video, a person was seen filming a worker that had one of her hands stuck in her bums, apparently scratching them.

The man then talked with the worker, saying that he would want some fries.

The woman then got her hand out of her pants and started to put fries in a box that is used by the chain to sell fries.

The woman then passes the customer his food order.

According to official reports, the incident happened in 2016 and the employee is not working with the chain anymore.

McDonald’s USA told The Sun that the video was old.

They also said that the worker has not worked for the restaurant since 2016.

The video currently has over 2.16 million viewers on TikTok, where thousands of users decided to leave comments.

The video was uploaded by a woman named Kelsey on December 16, 2020.

What are your thoughts about the act of the woman? Let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

By Pei Yong

All the web stuff.

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