
Locals Force Weak Thief To Drink Energy Drink So He Could Be Beaten Up Again

A report that was published by the Kenyan Post, a gang in Ghana forced a thief to drink an energy drink amidst a beating just so he could regain some strength to get beaten again. The report said that the incident happened in Takoradi, Ghana. It is believed that a local gang forced a thief […]


Shelley’s Eagle-Owl That Hasn’t Been Seen In 150 Years Is Spotted In A Rainforest In Ghana

A giant owl that has not been seen in the wild for the last 150 years has been finally spotted in a rainforest in Ghana, raising hopes for the survival of the vulnerable species. According to reports, the Shelley’s Eagle-Owl was spotted in the Atewa Forest in Ghana on October 16. The discovery was made […]


Beach In Ghana Is Left Unrecognizable After 15 Million Pieces Of Old Clothes Are Left To Rot

A once beautiful beach in Ghana is now unrecognizable thanks to the 15 million pieces of old clothes that were left over it to rot. The main chief culprits of this disaster are textile waste from nations in the west. Used clothing is donated by countries in the west are sent to places like Ghana. […]