
Woman Survives After Falling Down 650 Foot Cliff Moments After Saying Yes To Marriage Proposal

A romantic proposal in Austria is currently making headlines all over the world due to the failure that it had.

The romantic proposal ended in disaster for one couple as the woman fell down a 650 foot cliff a couple of moments after she said yes.

The woman, who is 32, accepted the proposal of the 27-year-old boyfriend, but it went wrong.

The incident that we are talking about happened in Carinthia, Austria.

It was reported that she slipped and plunged off the Falkert Mountain on December 27, 2020.

The couple trekked up the mountain 1 day before

The woman, who was not identified, survived the 650 foot drop off the cliff thanks to the snow that was present below her.

The partner tried to hold on to her.

He also lost his footing and ended up falling 500 feet through the air, he was left gripping a cliff edge.

Luckily, the 2 were rescued after the woman was found lying motionless by a passerby that contacted the emergency services.

The man was rescued by a helicopter after he was found clinging on a edge.

A police officer released a statement about the couple.

The officer said:

The two were extremely lucky! Had it not been for snow, it would have turned out very differently.

The couple received medical treatment after being rescued.

According to reports, the male was diagnosed with a vertebrate fracture.

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