Good News

26 Teenage Girls On Afghanistan National Soccer Team Granted Asylum In Portugal

Good news for soccer fans! 26 teenage girls from the Afghanistan’s national soccer team have been granted asylum in Portugal. The girls, who are all 14 and 16, have been trying to leave Afghanistan since the Taliban regained control of the country following the withdrawal of the US Forces. The members recently left their homeland […]

Good News

At 107 Japanese Sisters Officially Become The “World’s Oldest Identical Twins”

At 107 years old, twin sisters in Japan are now officially recognized as the world’s oldest identical twins. The Guinness World Records have confirmed that Umeno Sumiyama and Koume Kodama are the world’s oldest identical twins. The announcement was made on September 20, 2021, which falls on Japan’s Respect for the Aged Day, a national […]

Good News

Premature Baby Who Was Born So Small She Was Kept Alive In A Sandwich Bag Defies All Odds And Is Starting School

A premature baby that was born the size of a small sugar bag and was kept alive in a sandwich bag has successfully defied all the odds and is now going to start elementary school. Darcey Clegg, who is 4, weighted just around 1lb 5oz when she was born in September 2016. An emergency c-section […]

Good News

Husband Holds Up “I Love You” Sign Outside Wife’s Hospital Window Every Day As She Battles Coronavirus

A man from Florida, USA, is making headlines all over the world after they held up an “I love you sign” for their wife on a daily basis as she was getting treatment at a hospital after contracting the deadly coronavirus. The husband reportedly stood outside her window every morning with a sign that said […]

Good News

Puppy Born With Upside-Down Paws Learns To Walk After Surgery

A puppy that was born with upside down front paws has learned to walk again after they got a corrective surgery. Siggi, the dog, was rescued by a group based out of Dallas, Texas, when they were just 13 weeks old. The rat terrier was born with a rare birth defect and was brought to […]

Good News

11-Year-Old Girl Saves Puppy After Noticing Neighbor’s House Is On Fire

An 11-year-old girl from the United States of America is currently being labeled as a hero after they reportedly managed to save the life of a puppy. According to multiple reports the girl saved a puppy from the house of their neighbor after it caught fire. The girl has been identified as Mackenzie Jenkins, from […]

Good News

70 Women Marry Dozens Of Trees In Bid To Stop Them From Being Chopped Down By Developers

A group of 70 women have married dozens of trees in a bid to stop them from being chopped down by developers. The developers want to chop down the trees for a prospective £55million building. The unusual event took place at a caravan park in Spike Island, Bristol, where organizers feared the threat that was […]

Good News

Nintendo Is Partnering With A Non-Profit Organization To Bring More Gaming Consoles To Hospitalized Kids

To do good is what should be prioritized. Starlight Nintendo Switch Gaming Stations have been making their way to hospitals and health care facilities across the United States of America and now they are going to do it more so more kids can play games as they are recovering. Starlight Nintendo Switch Gaming Stations have […]

Good News

Israeli Woman Donates Her Kidney To A Palestinian Boy In Gaza

We are humans and we should help each other out. An Israeli kindergarten teacher and a mother of three kids did something that none of us would on our 50th birthday. Idit Harel Segal said she wanted to do something meaningful for her 50th birthday. So instead of giving someone a present, the mother of […]

Good News

Taliban Says Afghan Women Will Be Allowed To Study At Universities

Good news for women. The Taliban has announced that women in the country will be allowed to study at Universities, however, there are going to be some changes in the rules that were present under the government of Ashraf Ghani. The Taliban’s Higher Education Minister said that women can go to Universities however they are […]